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Golden Age
Golden Age follows the life and journey to healing of Bolivian-born industrial engineer Abe Camacho, who finds new life after re-entering the workforce following retirement.
Just A Florist
One woman impacts people’s lives and milestone moments with her seemingly minor job at a flower shop.
Love Made Visible
A Marketing Manager who struggled to find employment is now empowering others by creating hiring tools through her work at LinkedIn.
Seng the Plumber
Hidden work is nothing new to Seng Blong Vang, a refugee Hmong plumber whose undervalued and underappreciated profession keeps cities, homes, and businesses running.
Still Waters
Tony Igwe, a Nigerian-American civil engineer, uses his extensive skill and expertise to support the unseen infrastructure of water treatment in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
Tiny But Mighty
Deafness does not define Carla Sarli, a retail Assistant Manager, whose work in Blue Island, Illinois serves and supplies her community.
Join Makoto Fujimura in the classroom as we begin our journey of Theology of Making. “In the beginning, God created (Genesis 1:1). It is one of the large themes of my new book to see the redemptive act of God, the ultimate act of Christ’s sacrifice at the cross of Calvary, through the lens of cre...
Creation Reflection
Mako, Dr. Curt Thompson, and Pete Candler reflect on the concept of Creation.
From Creation to Fall: Honey Bees
Artists are the pollinators of our cultural ecosystems. If we value creation we must learn to value the artists who go to the margins to return to us their findings.
Ground Zero
We live in a fallen world in which every good, true and beautiful reality is quickly idolized to something selfish, greedy and destructive. Christ came to redeem this path to self-destruction by taking on all of our “pride of the flesh” on the Cross. Christ is the God of Ground Zero. “Ground Zero...
Fall Reflection
Mako reflects on the concept of the Fall.
From Fall to Redemption: Holy Saturday
Between crucifixion and resurrection lies Holy Saturday. Ground Zero moments produce Holy Saturday meditations, requiring of us faith that after the fall there will be new creation. Holy Saturday is where we await the redemption and new creation promised to us.
“Many will assume that the word ‘redemption’ includes this invitation to co-create into the future. But often, the term ‘redemption’ is understood as our return to a perfected state, rather than the new. There has been much theology written on redemptive purposes for salvation, purposeful goals, ...
When precious tea bowls break, the families of Japanese tea masters will often keep the broken bowls for generations and later have them mended by artisans who use a lavish technique known as Kintsugi. The Japanese word Kin means “gold,” and Tsugi means “mend,” and a bowl mended with gold is more...
Redemption Reflection
Pete Candler and Dr. Curt Thompson reflect on the concept of Redemption.